Is the mainstream media choosing our Presidential Candidates?

If you watch CNN and MSNBC and follow the CNN debates and Town halls lately, it’s obvious to those watching that these networks are giving Nikki Haley preferential treatment, they repeatedly praise her and have gone light on attacking her policies with softball questions and followup, which is quite the opposite for Ron Desantis and Vivek Ramaswamy who they aggressively attack on a daily basis, And Donald Trump? they’re just getting started on labeling him a “Dictator who will take all of our rights away”, let the fear mongering begin.

There was a time when these two networks displayed a level of neutrality, something a “Journalist” should have right? “Bernard Shaw” at CNN certainly had it, Sadly for the viewing public, CNN, MSNBC and other left leaning networks abandoned their neutrality and replaced it opinion, which has morphed the left wing propaganda that were seeing now, they have become the propaganda wing of the Democratic party, We see it every time the White Press Secretary speaks, she tells a lie or distorts the truth on national TV and rather than the mainstream media fact checking her statements, they they parrot the lie to millions of their viewers, But when Trump was President, just about every sentence was fact checked, it was selective journalism based on party affiliation.

During Trumps Presidency, when a Anti-Trump story broke, instead of the mainstream media fact checking what Democrats were feeding the public, they didn’t fact check it at all, what they did instead is give the story life, hence, the “Russian Collusion” narrative, where the mainstream media, particularly CNN and MSNBC told a story of Fiction to the World, that President Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election and how Trump was compromised by Vladimir Putin, where he had embarrassing evidence against him, all based on the famous “Steele Dossier”, a Dossier of LIES that the Clinton campaign paid him to create. And rather than verifying the source, the leftist media ran with the story, adding their own ingredients to it, this went on for almost 3 years, up until the time the Mueller investigation concluded, and we learned that it was completely UNTRUE, The two networks CNN and MSNBC made NO apology for what they did, there was no accountability either, which only emboldens them to repeat what they did. Perhaps this is why CNN and MSNBC rank far behind Fox News year after year in the Nielson ratings.

If you’re an independent thinker you most likely take what the media reports with a grain of salt, but for those who don’t fact check and believe what the media reports as fact, this is the mainstream medias audience, the gullible voter who chooses not to think for himself.. When discussing politics with, I was shocked at how many people claimed that Bill Clinton paid off the National debt and left us with a budget surplus. really? if only they took a basic civics class and learned the difference between “Debt and Deficit” we’d have a lot less politically illiterate voters on election day..